Adventure Time is a cartoon show created by Pendleton Ward and co-produced by Frederator Studios for Cartoon Network. It started airing on April 5, 2010 and the last episode of the main show aired on September 3, 2018. The pilot chapter with the same name, which started the show, was released on 2007. Currently it counts with 2 spin-offs: Distant Lands, which aired on 2020 and consists of four 44-minute-long episodes, each centering around a character or characters, and Fionna and Cake, which aired on 2023 and follows Simon Petrikov on his adventures with Fionna and Cake, 2 alternate-universe versions of Finn and Jake (kinda. not really hehe). Apparently, 2 more spin-offs and a movie have been recently greenlit and will release at some point in the future.

The story shown in the show follows Finn, a human boy who wants to be a hero, and Jake, a magic stretchy yellow dog and Finn's adoptive brother and best friend as they go on Adventures throughout the Land of Ooo, a post-apocalyptic continent on the planet Earth around 1000 later than ours.

The show counts with 10 seasons, and while the first 4 or 5 seem to be more like just some kid series, the story and lore of the show as a whole, especially from s5 onward, is a literal masterpiece. I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP, I SWEAR. A lot of people agree with me on this, but this franchise is, in my opinion, perfect. I'll explain why next.