I just finished Gravity Falls. Man. Man. holy cow.
Listening to: Not really listening to anything, just losing my mind over the end.
EXAMS ARE OVER!!!! YIPPEEEEE!!!!! I'll have a lot more time to work on the web now. And also to paint. And music. And Videos Game ๐.
Uhhh anyway, just wanted to write something else to test this new layout :P have a nice day guys!!!
Listening to: I remember you - Alex G.
Hey! Haven't written anything in a while. I think I have an idea of what I want my web to look like now! Thanks to a lot of cool websites here that are really inspiring :-). As soon as exams end tomorrow I'm starting the repairs.
I'm about to finish Gravity Falls! Only one chapter and the special left. Kinda sad that it's almost over but hey, it's been really good. I'm going to watch the last eps next Saturday!! Really excited for that. I also want to get back into crochet cause I haven't done anything since school started after Christmas, learn some songs on the piano and draw a lot. Why is it that when school gives us the most work I have the best ideas for arts and crafts? LOL.
Well, I should probably get studying now. Just one more exam! See you guys tomorrow ^_^.
Listening to: I wait for for you - Alex G.
Hi, nothing big to report today but I wanted to share that today in the recess after lunch I saw three 8 year old kids playing D&D in the middle of the basketball court. Completely prepared and all, with a 30-page stack of character sheets and high quality dice and absolute concentration. Really really cool, my absolute respect and admiration for them for being totally rad people ๐.
Hey guys! Hope life is treating you well! As for me, I have an exam tomorrow I haven't started studying for yet! (context: it's 21:40 PM). BUT OH WELL. I just always have had so much trouble concentrating in something I'm not interested in, but it always ends up going well, so it's fine. i'm starting right now as soon as i finish writing this because there are NEWS. THAT'S RIGHT, NEWS.
Well, not really. I'm just real tired lol. But there are some things! I made a websona!! yippee!! they're like me but a bunny. Replaced the other one on my index page. THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. I SPENT ANOTHER WHOLE PERIOD I COULD HAVE USED FOR STUDYING ON DRAWING HER!!! HAHA. YEAH. ssomebody hit me with a comically large cartoon hammer pleas.e.
AHEM. in other non-exam related news: my friend from the band thing from school told me she wants to introduce me to the girl with the BMO keychain!!! i might make new friend!!!! yippee!!! also, the teacher in charge asked me to join. i have too much stage fright for something like that but. Hm. I'll think about it :P.
Something else which was also cool: i got really hurt today because i've slept with a bad posture apparently and my back fucked up. so i went to the nurse's office for that spray that feels like. spicy? on your skin. Or like. Warm. I'm not sure lol. The thing is that it un-fucks your muscles . So anyway I stayed there for a while. Like 40 minutes. And it was really fun because the nurse is really nice and also because it was cute to watch the kids who got hurt on the playground or who needed to take medicine come by. It was like, really human??? IDK I know it sounds weird lol, but like, watching all this children and teens, different ages and completely different personalities, come by and talk to the nurse, and the way they were all there for unrelated reasons ("hurt my knee playing football", "need to take pills for my cold", "my friend bit me and it really hurts", this one followed by the friend in question looking terribly worried, etc) and the way the nurse treated them all like if they were her children, really beautiful to see. This one kid I've never seen before, he must've been like 7 or 8?, just fucking burst in super loudly, started running around the room, suddenly stopped in front of me, asked "DID YOU BREAK YOUR ARM??????" I said "No". The nurse took his medicine out, he grabbed it and took it in less that 4 seconds and fucking. left. without elaborating. "cool kid" i was thinking. "he's a bit too anxious", the nurse said, "but he's a really sweet boy".
I really love people sometimes. Some other times it feels like everyone is really mean, but this sunrays of humanity coming by from time to time make me feel really good, like there really is hope ^_^.
Wow this sounds super weird now that I read it all lol. Hope people understand what i mean haha. I like observing, it's nice ๐, when other people have fun, i have fun :D.
Welp, thats all, i have to memorize the periodic table now waugh. so excited . yippee. good night guys!! or morning!! or whatever!!!! take a lot of care ^_^.
Happy New Year guys!!! First blog post of the year!!! Yay!!! But school started.............unyay........
Anyway! Let's be positive! Something cool happened, there's a kid in my school who's a year older than me. She dresses like, super cool. Like, scene-ish? kinda? And her hair is dyed and really awesome, and today i was walking down the hall and i noticed SHE HAS A BMO KEYCHAIN. A BMO KEYCHAIN GUYS. BMO. FUCKING BMO. MY BESTIE BMO. THAT ONE !!1!.
So obviously i didn't talk to her because. i'm kinda scared. like imagine a kid a year younger than you that youve never seen before in your life and who is dressed like a fucking clown comes up to you and goes "UH HEY UHHHH I LIKE UHHHH. YUOR. KEYCHAINS. YOURE COOL." and then runs away inmediatley after. Not cool. Not cool at all.
BUT. there is hope. exactly one (1) chance of getting to talk to her (because shes really cool and also because i desperately need to yap about adventure time to someone). she's in the school chorus/music thingy and one of my friends is there too and they know eachotehr. AND i might get a chance to stand in front of her. with my bmo bracelet and my 8736248756774 stickers in my computer and casually stand there while they talk. becaus e i can't just start conversing like a normal ass person auuuuuuughhhhhhhh.
sigh im trying to get better at conversation actually. and i think im actually making progress this time and all!!! It still feels like i'm under constant scrutiny tho lol. i think i saw someone on the internet saying something like this (i cant find the post rip), but speaking with someone about something that isn't related to my interests feels like the fucking logic chess from aai2 but with a shorter time limit.
me trying to talk about the weather . help me pleas.e,,
So uhhh anyway. i have exams already auuughshhhddn. its okay tho. i'll manage. I started the owl house! two chapters in. pretty cool for now, i think i'm gonna like it :ยทD.
I think that's all guys. Have a nice weekend and rest a lot!! Bye!!